Call2All Kenya Congress 2024



June 10th - 14th 2024 -Clarence Matheny Ministries, Limuru - Kenya



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The CALL2ALL Strategic Summit

Call2all is a clarion call and a movement of believers from across the globe, working together towards the completion of the Great Commission, Jesus’ ultimate mandate to us all – … “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Matthew 28: 19

The central focus of the congress is on Evangelization and discipleship of the next generation. Failure to engage actively with this sphere will be relegating our sons and daughters to the negative forces of the world hence rendering the Christian mission ineffective.

We must take a fresh look at the traditional areas of the Great Commission, including:

  • Prayer
  • Evangelism
  • Bible Engagement
  • Christian Community
  • Compassion & Justice

We also must look at what it takes to bring transformation in:

  • Family
  • Government
  • Economics (Business, Science & Technology)
  • Celebration (Arts, Entertainment & Sports)
  • Education
  • Media
  • Religion

What Should I Expect?

Plenary sessions, round table discussions, and workshops.

The conference will have plenary sessions with keynote presentations, round table discussions for small group exchanges, and workshops for hands-on learning.

Mapping and measuring around a common set of outcomes.

In these sessions, we will explore how to map and measure the outcomes that matter most for our faith.

Networking and partnering with leaders from across the region.

The conference will help you build relationships with influential leaders, partner with other religious organizations, network and collaborate effectively, connect with like-minded leaders, and gain insights from successful partnerships.

Forming community, city, and national plans.

The conference will help you learn how to create and implement effective plans for community, city, and national development, network with other professionals and stakeholders who share your vision and goals for sustainable and inclusive growth, and participate in interactive workshops and sessions.


Due to the cost of running the congress, we are unable to refund the registration fees.






KES 1,000

Accommodation & Travels

We have arranged for Buses that will collect the attendees from KENCOM (Nairobi CBD) to the Venue at 2pm EAT ON June 10th 2024

Accomodation Options are as below, this is sutated wthin the event viscinity.

Please note that accomodation is paid for separately and not incuded in the registration fee – click on the whatsapp icon below to book for your accomodation.




International Travels

By Air

For those who are traveling from abroad, Ensure your VISA is updated and also be sure to fly into Jomo Kenyatta International Airport Nairobi, Kenya


Contact Us

Kindly fill in the Form below to talk to Us, We shall get back to you as soon as possible

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